Mental Health Episodes

June 27, 2022

207: How to Address Burnout

Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President-Elect, reflects on the problem of burnout among health care providers; Amelia Poulin, Senior Analyst for Infectious Disease Outbreak Response and Recovery at ASTHO, discusses the importance of COVID-19 case investigators...
June 7, 2022

194: Pain in the Nation Report

Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, President and CEO of the Trust for America’s Health, details a new report that offers disturbing data on the drug, alcohol, and suicide crises facing the nation; Lt. Commander Traci Murray, Assistant Regional Administrator for...
June 2, 2022

191: New Mental Health Commission

Lynn Gallagher, former New Mexico State Health Director, explains how a new commission created by the New Mexico Supreme Court will work to address the mental health needs of people who are in and out of the court system; Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive...
May 4, 2022

171: Protecting Public Health Authority

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, defends public health authority after a recent federal court ruling tossed the requirement for masks on public transportation; Dr. Harry Chen, Vermont’s former health commissioner, discusses...
April 12, 2022

155: Defining Health – Public Health Week

Nathaniel Counts with the non-profit Mental HeaIth America explains the effort to redefine health to include a consideration of mental wellness, as we conclude our seven-part series of conversations with public health leaders in recognition of...
Feb. 17, 2022

121: A Focus on Mental Health

Elke Shaw-Tulloch, Idaho’s State Health Officer, shares her state’s approach to addressing mental health concerns; ASTHO’s Maggie Davis authors a blog article on legislative efforts impacting mental health; Carolyn McCoy, ASTHO’s Senior...
Nov. 30, 2021

74: The White House Celebrates Public Health

Several ASTHO members attend a White House event in appreciation of public health workers across the states and territories. ASTHO President Dr. Nirav Shah, ASTHO President-Elect Dr. Anne Zink, California’s Dr. Tomas Aragon, and Dr. LaQuandra...
Oct. 20, 2021

50: Social Media Health Concerns

Stephanie Smiley, former state health officer for Wisconsin, examines the impact of social media on young people; Community COVID Coalition members release new social media animations to educate people ages 18 to 24 about vaccine safety; ASTHO CEO...