ASTHO CEO Dr. Mike Fraser and Dr. Ray Barishansky, Former Deputy Secretary for Health Preparedness and Community Protection at the Pennsylvania Department of Health, explain new research on barriers to decision making in public health response; Dr....
Maria Sarabia, Assistant Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health, shares an overdose dashboard that clarifies the people most affected; Shannan Rome, Health Access Nurturing Development Services Manager at the Franklin County Health...
Gabby Ruiz, ASTHO Analyst of Maternal and Infant Health, explains strategies to promote infant and early childhood mental health; Joy Rucker, National Harm Reduction Consultant, reflects on the harm reduction journey of...
Mary Giliberti, chief public policy officer at Mental Health America, explains a new framework that connects public health with mental health and suicide prevention; Latoya Sahadeo, director of the Diverse Executives Leading in Public Health program...
Dr. Nia West-Bey, the director of youth policy at the Center for Law and Social Policy, shares a new framework focused on prevention and wellness promotion among young people; Dr. Cathy Slemp, co-founder and vice chair of the West Virginia Hope in...
Christina Severin, ASTHO’s Director of Public Health Law, outlines upcoming Supreme Court cases that will impact public health; Susan Donnelly, Workforce Director at the Oklahoma State Department of Health, shares the work her team is doing to...
Dr. Puja Seth, the Healthy Aging Branch Chief at the CDC, shares a new state-focused program that aims to address dementia; Dr. Nilesh Kalyanaraman, the Deputy Secretary of Public Health at the Maryland Department of Health, explains that policy...
Wendi Wilkes, Senior Advisor at the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, explains lead testing program that allows schools and child care agencies to remove the threat of lead; Heather Sebero, ASTHO’s Senior Analyst for Social and...
Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, Professor of Clinical Population and Public Health Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine at USC, describes how drug shortages are making it tough to treat syphilis; Jazmyn Covington, ASTHO Director of Maternal and Infant...
Melissa Magstadt, Cabinet Secretary for the South Dakota Department of Health, says healthcare must meet patients where they live; Ali Maffey, ASTHO’s Vice President of Social and Behavioral Health, explains approaches to making mental healthcare...
Alison Maffey, ASTHO’s Vice President of Social and Behavioral Health, explains the impact of President Biden’s proposed rule to make it easier to access in-network mental health care; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO’s Senior Director of Government...
J.T. Lane, ASTHO’s Senior Vice President for Population Health and Innovation, explains recommendations to improve public health data systems; Brittany Lee, ASTHO’s Director of Family and Child Health, says public health education will play a role...
Omar Khalid, ASTHO’s Director of Workforce, explains new strategies for enhancing workforce well-being and retention; Brianna Gorman, ASTHO’s Clinical to Community Connections team member, says community health workers are a key connection between...
Robin Matthies, ASTHO’s Director of Social and Behavioral Health, discusses the disparities facing LGBTQ+ youth, which is the topic in an upcoming ASTHO webinar; Christine Jones, Assistant Manager of the STD and HIV Section at the Minnesota...
Pam Pontones, Deputy Health Commissioner of Local Public Health Services for the Indiana State Department of Health, shares Indiana’s plan to invest in local health departments to address community health needs; Ioana Ungureanu, ASTHO's Senior Analyst for...