Marcus Plescia MD MPH

Marcus Plescia MD MPH Profile Photo

Chief Medical Officer, ASTHO

Nov. 1, 2024

CMO Plescia Steps Away; Harris Sees Large Role for Public Health

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, is stepping away from ASTHO after seven years in the position; Dr. Scott Harris, state health officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health and ASTHO president, says the next few years are...
Aug. 23, 2024

735: Respiratory Virus Season Briefing, ASTHO Continues Work Through Recess

ASTHO hosted a Respiratory Virus Season Deskside Briefing attended by national media outlets with Dr. Marcus Plescia, Dr. Kimberlee Wyche-Etheridge, Dr. Sameer Vohra, and Dr. Manisha Juthani; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO Senior Director of Government Affairs,...
Aug. 22, 2024

734: COVID Updates, AI’s Public Health Communication Applications

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, updates us on COVID rates across the country; Robert Jennings, executive director of the National Public Health Information Coalition, tells us how AI could benefit public health communication; and an...
July 25, 2024

714: Accessible Healthcare For People With Disabilities, Avian Influenza Update

Dr. Audrey Juhasz, researcher at the Institute for Disability Research, Policy, and Practice, explains a project she is working on that is focused on accessible healthcare for people with disabilities; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer,...
July 8, 2024

701: Creative Ways to Leverage Funding, Plan to End Homelessness

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, encourages ASTHO members to consider braiding and layering funding approaches; Carrie Poser, Continuum of Care director for the Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care, tells us how Wisconsin...
July 1, 2024

696: Best of PHRME: Avian Flu Symposium Takeaways, Adolescent Immunization Toolkit

This special episode of Public Health Review Morning Edition revisits a popular episode from May 6th, 2024. Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, elaborates on a blog he authored on takeaways from the recent Avian Flu Symposium; Katelyn...
May 6, 2024

658: Avian Flu Symposium Takeaways, Adolescent Immunization Toolkit

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, elaborates on a blog he authored on takeaways from the recent Avian Flu Symposium; Katelyn Wells, chief research evaluation and development officer for the Association of Immunization Managers,...
April 25, 2024

651: Building Non-Traditional Partnerships, Health Equity Alliance

Corinne Gillenwater, ASTHO chronic disease and health improvement analyst, talks about an ASTHO toolkit that uses the Healthy People 2030 framework to help build partnerships; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, says today’s Avian Flu...
April 24, 2024

650: Avian Symposium Happens Tomorrow, Gen Z Interested in PH

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, previews a national symposium on avian flu; Jack McClure, a public health consultant with the Association of Immunization Managers, helps us understand how to reach younger people interested in public...
April 18, 2024

646: Climate Health Training, Updated PFAS Provider Guidance

Ben Fulgencio-Turner, director of the Climate for Health Program at ecoAmerica, discusses a new ASTHO training program that connects the impacts of climate change to public health; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, tells the news site...
April 11, 2024

641: Tracking Avian Flu, Naloxone Doses Get Review

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, says bird flu is getting the attention of public health agencies; Emily Payne, an epidemiologist at the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, tells us about a New York state study of the...
March 26, 2024

629: Long COVID Strategies, Updated ACEs Approaches

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, updates us on the Long COVID situation; Dr. Mark Levine, commissioner of health for the State of Vermont, tells us about ASTHO’s recently updated policy statement on adverse childhood experiences; and...
March 21, 2024

626: Island Heart Health, 2024 Preparedness Summit

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, tells us ASTHO continues to focus on improving heart health in our island areas; Lisa Peterson, ASTHO senior director for preparedness, discusses the upcoming 2024 Preparedness Summit; and an ASTHO...
Feb. 22, 2024

606: RSV Treatment Availability, Indiana’s Big Funding Win

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, discusses the supply and demand challenges impacting new RSV antibody products; Luke Kenley, former Indiana state senator, tells us how he helped lead the committee to develop and promote the public...
Jan. 10, 2024

577: New Preparedness Website Set to Launch, COVID Vaccine Messaging

Margaux Haviland, ASTHO director for Preparedness and Response Coordination, shares that the Inspire Readiness website goes live on January 16; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, wants public health to focus its COVID vaccine promotion...
Jan. 5, 2024

574: Tracking Respiratory Illness, Congressional Deadlines Loom

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, is tracking reports of respiratory illness across the U.S.; Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO senior vice president for Government Affairs and Public Relations, discusses a federal funding deadline that is quickly...
Dec. 14, 2023

564: Flavored Tobacco Bans and Pricing Strategies, Respiratory Disease Guidance

Dr. Barbara Wallace, director of the Division of Chronic Disease Prevention at the New York State Department of Health, discusses various strategies to curb tobacco use; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, worries that too many sick...
Dec. 6, 2023

558: A Call to Expand Naloxone Availability, Policies to Solve Maternity Care Deserts

ASTHO President and Kentucky Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack says easier access to naloxone could help prevent many overdose deaths; former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams says naloxone should be as easy to find as AED devices that prevent...
Nov. 27, 2023

551: New Website Examines Public Health Priorities, Advocacy Drives Alzheimer’s Policy

Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer, ASTHO, examines ASTHO’s new webpage with a collection of evidence-based technical packages covering key public health concerns; J.T. Lane, senior vice president, Population Health and Innovation, ASTHO...
Nov. 20, 2023

548: Thankful for Public Health, New Guide to Manage Respiratory Illness

Dr. Steven Stack, ASTHO president and commissioner of the Kentucky Department for Public Health; extends his gratitude for Public Health Thank You Day; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, discusses how ASTHO worked on a discussion guide...
Oct. 25, 2023

531: RSV Vaccine Pitch, Virus Disparities

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, wants public health to focus on medical providers as the primary way to promote the RSV vaccine; an ASTHO blog article explains why public health readiness during the respiratory virus season is key; an...
Oct. 19, 2023

527: Disaster Exercise Toolkit, Healthy Brain Resources

Jennifer Lynch, Emergency Management Specialist with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, says the frequency and intensity of natural disasters is changing the way planners think about emergency response; Nathan Wormington, Emergency Program...
Oct. 2, 2023

515: Menthol Messaging, Retail Food Safety Grants

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, offers public health agencies three talking points they can use when the tobacco industry tries to argue against proposed bans on flavored tobacco products; Dr. Alison Evans Cuellar, Chair of the...
Sept. 28, 2023

513: Menthol Ban Lessons, Retail Food Safety Networks

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, shares the challenges facing plans to ban tobacco flavorings; Dr. David McSwane, Executive Director of the Conference for Food Protection, explains the collaborative work of CFP and NACCHO to...
Sept. 18, 2023

505: Looking for New Vaccine Messaging, Fall Vaccine Strategy

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, says health departments are working to create effective vaccine messaging for this fall; Maggie Davis, ASTHO's Director of State Health Policy, shares policies aimed at reducing barriers to...
Aug. 7, 2023

476: Urging Calm Over COVID-19 Numbers, Health and Social Systems Alignment

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, shares the current COVID-19 status and a look ahead into the coming seasons; Dr. Steven Stack, ASTHO president elect and the Commissioner for Public Health for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, outlines...
July 20, 2023

464: Paxlovid Uptake Lags, New Healthy Aging Policy Statement

Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, says public health aims to strengthen the use of antiviral COVID-19 protections in nursing homes; Priya Shah, ASTHO’s Senior Analyst of Health Improvement and Healthy Aging, shares an updated policy...
May 25, 2023

428: FDA Meets on Drug Shortages

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, says drug shortages are on the docket for the FDA meeting in Chicago; and today is the last day to register to attend ASTHO’s TechXpo and Futures Forum online.
May 9, 2023

416: Vital Records Accreditation, Sharing Medicaid and HIV Data

Melissa Bird, Bureau Chief for the Iowa Bureau of Health Statistics, explains why vital records accreditation is important to public health; Rachel Scheckman, ASTHO Senior Policy Analyst, says new data sharing techniques in Iowa improve care for...
March 1, 2023

367: Leading on Long COVID, PH Authority Legislative Tracker

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, outlines the role of public health in addressing the challenges of long COVID; Katie Moran McCabe, Lead Law and Policy Analyst with the Center for Public Health Law Research at Temple University, says...
Jan. 10, 2023

333: COVID-19 Booster Strategy, Medicaid Policies

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, says public health agencies are increasing the focus on COVID-19 boosters for those living in nursing homes and other care settings; Alex Kearly, ASTHO's Director of Medicaid and Value Based Payment,...
Oct. 21, 2022

288: ACIP Immunization Decisions Explained

In a special episode of the newscast, Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, explains the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices decision earlier this week. The committee voted Thursday to add pediatric COVID-19 vaccines to...
Oct. 13, 2022

282: Pandemic Achievements

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, talks about an article he helped author in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, which discusses the work public health did in response to the pandemic; Bea Martinez, Southern...
Aug. 22, 2022

246: Back to School Concerns

Dylan George, Director of Operations for the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics with the CDC, discusses trying to evaluate the factors that could drive more COVID-19 infections in the fall as kids return to school; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO...
Aug. 15, 2022

241: Monkeypox Vaccine Strategy

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the plan to stretch monkeypox vaccine supplies by giving smaller doses;  Arjun Srinivasan, Associate Director for Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Programs with the CDC,...
Aug. 12, 2022

240: Monkeypox Funding

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the challenges posed by the monkeypox outbreak and admits the evolving strategy can be tough to communicate; Devon Page, an ASTHO Government Affairs Analyst, breaks down Congressional...
July 1, 2022

211: Monkeypox Response

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the growing concern over the monkeypox virus; Ellen Pliska, ASTHO’s Family and Child Health Senior Director, details a new supplement to the American Journal of Public Health addressing...
June 15, 2022

200: Common Ground on Gun Violence Responses

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, discusses the tragedy of gun violence in America and its connection to men’s mental health; Dr. Randall Williams, Missouri’s former Health Director, talks about a book he is writing about his...
June 10, 2022

197: Preparing for Monkeypox

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the three-step approach to combat Monkeypox in the U.S.; Dr. Jinlene Chan, Maryland’s Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services, outlines her department’s response to Monkeypox; and...
May 25, 2022

186: 2022 COVID-19 Strategy Session

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, joins the show from the ASTHO COVID-19 Summit in Washington D.C. to discuss his expectations from the summit and the COVID-19 response going forward.
May 11, 2022

176: Smart Health Cards

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia says continued federal investment can help keep the nation on the right track in the fight against the COVID-19 virus; Dr. David Rhew, Global Chief Medical Officer at Microsoft, explains how Smart Health...
May 4, 2022

171: Protecting Public Health Authority

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, defends public health authority after a recent federal court ruling tossed the requirement for masks on public transportation; Dr. Harry Chen, Vermont’s former health commissioner, discusses...
March 30, 2022

146: Boosting Vaccine Uptake

ASTHO and the de Beaumont Foundation release early results of a new survey of America’s public health workforce; ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia says there are steps public health departments can take to address lagging COVID-19...
March 4, 2022

131: ASTHO Reacts to New COVID-19 Plan

Mike Fraser, ASTHO’s CEO, issues a statement offering early reaction to the Biden Administration’s new National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan; Dr. Elisha Hall, Clinical Guidelines Lead for the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force, explains the latest...
March 2, 2022

129: Messaging New COVID-19 Metrics

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, says public health jurisdictions must have clear messaging when explaining the CDC’s new community-level COVID-19 metrics; Elizabeth Head, Deputy Director for Injury Prevention at the Georgia...
Jan. 27, 2022

106: Contact Tracing’s Role Today

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia explains the latest thinking about how best to use case investigation and contact tracing to fight the Omicron variant; ASTHO joins several other national public health groups to issue a statement this...
Dec. 17, 2021

87: 2022 Public Health Policy Agenda

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia says even though everyone is tired of the pandemic, we can’t give up fighting the virus now; ASTHO CEO Mike Fraser, along with two other public health leaders, says the pandemic has been difficult but...
Dec. 6, 2021

78: Vaccine Mandate Prediction

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia says influenza and COVID-19 have a lot in common, as National Influenza Vaccination Week kicks off today; Professor James Hodge Jr., at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University...
Dec. 3, 2021

77: ASTHO Reacts to Winter COVID Strategy

ASTHO leaders react to President Biden’s winter COVID-19 strategy. Dr. Nirav Shah, ASTHO President and Director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discuss booster shots,...
Dec. 2, 2021

76: Omicron Variant Now in the U.S.

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia says there are more questions than answers regarding the Omicron variant now in the United States; Dr. Plescia writes in a new ASTHO blog article that the pandemic presents an historic opportunity to...
Nov. 4, 2021

61: Pediatric Vaccine Challenges

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, reacts to the decision to recommend approval of a pediatric COVID-19 vaccine; Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, says Health Equity Zones have helped many...
Oct. 14, 2021

46: New FDA Booster Shot Debate

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia forecasts this week’s FDA discussions about the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 booster shots; ASTHO President Elect Dr. Anne Zink explains the importance of recognizing small victories even...
Oct. 1, 2021

38: Wildfire and Hurricane Preparedness

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the appropriate role of monoclonal antibodies in the COVID-19 response; ASTHO has a Q/A for public health teams who need to explain the CDC’s revised guidance for pregnant or...
Sept. 24, 2021

33: Booster Votes Explained

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia explains several votes taken by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Thursday, including one against COVID-19 booster shots for people with occupational or institutional risks; Dr. Ed...
Sept. 17, 2021

28: Supporting the Public Health Workforce

Dr. Norman Oliver, Virginia’s Health Commissioner, discusses the approach states and territories should take to funding for the public health workforce; ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia reacts to a new CDC/Trust for America’s Health...
Sept. 10, 2021

23: The President’s COVID-19 Strategy

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, reacts to President Biden’s new COVID-19 strategy; Dr. Norman Oliver, Virginia’s Health Commissioner, discusses the network ready to administer COVID-19 booster shots; Robin Matthies, ASTHO’s...
Sept. 1, 2021

17: New Vaccine Messaging

Dr. Thomas Dobbs, Mississippi’s State Health Officer, questions vaccine misinformation; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses vaccine safety on KNX NewsRadio, Los Angeles; Rhea Farberman, Director of Strategic Communications...
Aug. 20, 2021

9: Booster Shot Logistics

Jim Blumenstock, ASTHO’s Senior Vice President for Pandemic Response and Recovery, discusses the logistics of standing up COVID-19 vaccination sites to provide booster shots; ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia ponders demand for third...
Aug. 19, 2021

8: COVID-19 Booster Shots

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia considers what states and territories need to do to deliver COVID-19 booster shots starting next month; Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President-Elect and Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer, shares her approach to...
Aug. 17, 2021

6: Preparing for COVID-19 Boosters

ASTHO President Dr. Nirav Shah (SHO-Maine) considers the risks to watch for as states and territories administer COVID-19 booster shots to some immunocompromised people; ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia discusses the work to address...
Aug. 16, 2021

5: Back to School Mask Messaging

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia discusses back-to-school mask messaging; Dr. Gillian SteelFisher of the Harvard Opinion Research Program offers help to public health teams communicating mask and vaccine requirements in schools; and...