Season 2

March 31, 2023

389: Seeking School Lunch Comments, Debt Ceiling Discussions

Shannon Vance, ASTHO’s Senior Analyst, Family and Child Health, encourages ASTHO members to comment on the USDA's proposed standards for school lunch and breakfast programs; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO’s Senior Director of Government Affairs, outlines...
March 30, 2023

388: Tribal Vaccine Messaging, Celebrating a Family of 163 Doctors

Gary Lankford, Advances in Indian Health Care Program Director at the Association of American Indian Physicians, explains vaccine messaging that appeals to American Indian and Alaskan Native populations; Dr. Laura Chanchien Parajon, Deputy Cabinet...
March 29, 2023

387: Women Leading ASTHO, Attending TechXpo

Dr. Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge, ASTHO's Senior Vice President of Health Equity and Diversity Initiatives, celebrates women who've held ASTHO leadership positions over the last several decades; Jamie Pina, ASTHO's Vice President of Public Health Data...
March 28, 2023

386: Dealing with Xylazine, Island Care for Veterans

Dr. Daniel Edney, State Health Officer for the Mississippi State Department of Health, discusses the dangers of Xylazine, a strong tranquilizer, and how to treat patients who have ingested it; Moses Pretrick, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)...
March 27, 2023

385: ASTHO Budget Pitch, Workforce Policy Approaches

Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President and Alaska Chief Medical Officer, testifies before a House appropriations subcommittee in Washington D.C. seeking sustainable and flexible public health funding; Maggie Davis, ASTHO’s Director of State Health Policy,...
March 24, 2023

384: New School Lunch Guidelines, ASTHO Testifies Before Congress

Cindy Long, Administrator of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, says a new set of proposed school lunch guidelines are an important step to putting kids on a path to healthy lifestyles; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO’s Senior Director of Government Affairs,...
March 23, 2023

383: Breastfeeding Partners, USVI Priorities

Carl Route Jr., Program Director for Reaching our Brothers Everywhere, says his group is on a mission to educate, equip, and empower men to increase breastfeeding rates and decrease infant mortality rates in the African-American community; Justa...
March 22, 2023

382: Suicide Rates Climbing, Mental Health Funding Opportunities

Deborah Stone, Behavioral Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, explains that after two consecutive years of declines, U.S. suicide rates increased in 2021, nearly returning to their 2018 peak; Hannah Wesolowski, Chief...
March 21, 2023

381: Pandemic Polling, Ending the PH Emergency

Alyssa Boyea, ASTHO Director for Infectious Disease Preparedness, highlights resources to help public health agencies improve their COVID-19 communication and messaging approaches; Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President and Chief Medical Officer for the State...
March 20, 2023

380: Immunization Exemption Strategies, Island Area Funding Pitch

Heather Tomlinson, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Immunizations, reminds us in an ASTHO blog article that there are strategies to reduce the impact of non-medical immunization exemptions; the CDC has added COVID-19 vaccinations to its immunization schedule...
March 17, 2023

379: Changes to Emergency Powers, Hill Gives ASTHO Recess Homework

Gregory Sunshine, Public Health Analyst with the Centers for Disease Control, explains how state and territorial emergency powers have shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic; and Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and...
March 16, 2023

378: PH Losing People, History Impacts Equity

Dr. Brian Castrucci, CEO and President of the de Beaumont Foundation, talks about data that shows public health is on track to lose 130,000 people by 2025; an ASTHO blog article discusses how colonialism, military presence, and political influence all...
March 15, 2023

377: Lingering Pandemic Impacts, Screening for Syphilis

Dr. Scott Harris, State Health Officer for Alabama Public Health, addresses the startling statistic that there have been more deaths in Alabama than births for two straight years; Nada Hassanein, Health Inequities Reporter for USA Today, writes about...
March 14, 2023

376: Dire Workforce Prediction, PH Tech Talk

Dr. Brian Castrucci, President and CEO of the de Beaumont Foundation, says workforce data indicates public health agencies could lose nearly 130,000 employees by 2025;  J.T. Lane, ASTHO’s Senior Vice President for Population Health and...
March 13, 2023

375: PH Communications Poll, Cultivating Gen Z Advocates

Alec Tyson, Associate Director of Research at Pew Research Center, explains the results of a recent poll that confirms the challenges public health agencies had communicating pandemic decisions; Emily Dore, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Klick...
March 10, 2023

374: New COVID-19 Dashboard, Biden’s Proposed Budget

Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO Senior Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Relations, works through the numbers of President Biden’s proposed budget to evaluate the impact on public health funding and programs in this week’s 'View from...
March 9, 2023

373: PH Funding Barriers, Planning an Equity Movement

Dr. Thomas Dobbs, former State Health Officer for the Mississippi State Department of Health and now dean of the John D. Bower School of Population Health at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, urges agencies that fund local public health...
March 8, 2023

372: Pew Polls PH Officials, ASTHO Meets the Administration

Alec Tyson, Associate Director of Research at the PEW Research Center, previews a survey of Americans’ views of public health officials and their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic; Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President and Chief Medical Officer for the...
March 7, 2023

371: Tracking COVID Deaths, Building a Justice Movement

Dr. Jonathan Levy, Chair of the Department of Environmental Health with the Boston University School of Public Health, has new research that says white people in Massachusetts now are more likely to die from COVID than black or Hispanic people in the...
March 6, 2023

370: ASTHO Leaders Convene, Flavored Tobacco Legislation

Amber Williams, ASTHO Senior Vice President for Leadership & Organizational Performance, says ASTHO members have a busy schedule of meetings with Biden Administration and Congressional officials in Washington, D.C. this week; Parker Beene, ASTHO...
March 3, 2023

369: Island Officials Advocate, Congressional Mood Toward PH

Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Relations, previews the work ahead in Congress and ASTHO’s public health policy agenda in the first installment of the View from Washington D.C. report; Alex Wheatley,...
March 2, 2023

368: Island Health Push, Ending the X Waiver

Alex Wheatley, ASTHO Assistant Director of the Island Support Team, says there is an urgent need to approve agreements that continue funding for health programs in several island nations; Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO Senior Vice President for Government...
March 1, 2023

367: Leading on Long COVID, PH Authority Legislative Tracker

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, outlines the role of public health in addressing the challenges of long COVID; Katie Moran McCabe, Lead Law and Policy Analyst with the Center for Public Health Law Research at Temple University, says...
Feb. 28, 2023

366: Public Health Roadblocks, New Workforce Resource

Dr. Thomas Dobbs, Dean of the John D. Bower School of Population Health at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, writes about problems impacting public health, such as underfunding, bureaucracy, and inadequate administrative support, in an...