Courtney Anderson, a director with ASTHO’s Environmental Health Team, discusses a blog article on alpha-gal syndrome that was one of ASTHO’s most popular resources of 2024; Catherine Murphy, government affairs analyst for AS…
Dr. Umair Shah, secretary of health for the Washington State Department of Health, shares some of his proudest accomplishments as he steps away from his position; Dirk Wilke is the new interim commissioner of the North Dakot…
Rich Hamburg, executive director of the Safe States Alliance, reflects on his career in public health as he prepares to retire; Marita Chilton, senior director of Accreditation and Recognition at the Public Health Accreditat…
Dr. Robert Goldstein, commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and an ASTHO Member, discusses the containment and prevention of the spread of infectious disease as part of ASTHO’s Legislative Prospectus …
David Harvey, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors and the ASTHO Affiliate Council chair, tells us how the ASTHO Affiliate Council assists public health; Patrick Allen, former secretary of the New Me…
Karl Ensign, ASTHO vice president for Territorial Support, tells us why braiding and layering funding can be beneficial as ASTHO launches a learning module on the subject; Beth Giambrone, ASTHO senior analyst for State Healt…
Dr. Kenneth Fink, director of the Hawaii Department of Health, an ASTHO member and a retired Air Force colonel, tells us how the military prepared him for his role in public health; Sara Bell, ASTHO senior analyst for Public…
Dr. Sejal Hathi, Director of the Oregon Health Authority and an ASTHO Member, dives into her state’s strategic plan to eliminate health inequities by 2030; Shalini Nair, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Infectious Disease, wrote an …
Katie Steffens, deputy program manager for the State of Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, is working to give potential employees the skills they need to thrive; Suja Shunmugavelu, ASTHO senior director of Engage…
Omar Khalid, ASTHO director of workforce, tells us about the American Nurses Foundation’s upcoming webinar, “Break Free From Burnout”; Maya Goldman, a healthcare reporter for Axios, discusses her article on the nurse workfor…
Admiral Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the United States Department of Health and Human Services, reflects on the policy factors that impact public health; Massimo Pacilli, deputy commissioner of the Diseas…
Dr. Joseph Kanter, ASTHO CEO, looks forward to a smooth transition as he begins his new job; Rebecca Adamson, preparedness section director at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, discusses the sixth day of Natio…
Keon Lewis, equity and development coordinator for the Cabarrus Health Alliance, talks about his experience as a recent graduate of ASTHO’s DELPH program; Dr. Joseph Kanter is ASTHO’s new CEO and begins his role in April; Dr…
Amber Williams, ASTHO Senior Vice President for Leadership and Organizational Performance, previews next week’s webinar about strategic skills for public health professionals; Dr. Sejal Hathi, ASTHO Member and Director of th…
Mike Ellsworth, Federal Relations director at the Washington State Department of Health, says his organization has released a study of telehealth activities and opportunities; Erika Kirtz, an epidemiologist at the Tennessee …