Social And Behavioral Health Episodes

June 15, 2022

200: Common Ground on Gun Violence Responses

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, discusses the tragedy of gun violence in America and its connection to men’s mental health; Dr. Randall Williams, Missouri’s former Health Director, talks about a book he is writing about his...
June 14, 2022

199: Juneteenth Webinar Examines Racism, Health Equity Link

Dr. Kimberlee Wyche-Etheridge, ASTHO’s Senior Vice President of Health Equity and Diversity Initiatives, will host a discussion featuring comments from Miss Opal Lee known as the grandmother of Juneteenth, as part of a Juneteenth webinar on...
June 9, 2022

196: Gun Violence and Public Health

Dr. Mark Levine, Vermont Health Commissioner, explains how public health ought to respond to a recent spate of shootings that have left dozens dead and even more injured across the U.S.; Meighan Haupt, Chief of Staff with the National Association of...
June 8, 2022

195: Hospitals Prepping for COVID-19 Surge

Akin Demehin, Senior Director of Quality and Patient Safety Policy with the American Hospital Association, explains how hospitals are preparing for the possibility of another COVID-19 wave later this year; Dr. Mark Levine, Vermont Health Commissioner,...
June 7, 2022

194: Pain in the Nation Report

Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, President and CEO of the Trust for America’s Health, details a new report that offers disturbing data on the drug, alcohol, and suicide crises facing the nation; Lt. Commander Traci Murray, Assistant Regional Administrator for...
June 3, 2022

192: Helping LGBTQI+ Youth

Admiral Rachel Levine, the 17th Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, explains how recent negative rhetoric focused on gender identity and sexual orientation in the classroom is impacting young people;...
June 2, 2022

191: New Mental Health Commission

Lynn Gallagher, former New Mexico State Health Director, explains how a new commission created by the New Mexico Supreme Court will work to address the mental health needs of people who are in and out of the court system; Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive...
May 24, 2022

185: Teen Mental Health Campaign

Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, explains the Forward Together campaign; Dr. James Bell, State Assistant Administrator for the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, discusses...
May 18, 2022

181: Messaging the Baby Formula Crisis

Brian Dittmeier, Senior Director of Public Policy at the National WIC Association,  tells us how public health agencies can support parents through the baby formula shortage; Lindsey Myers, ASTHO’s Vice President for Social and Behavioral...
May 4, 2022

171: Protecting Public Health Authority

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, defends public health authority after a recent federal court ruling tossed the requirement for masks on public transportation; Dr. Harry Chen, Vermont’s former health commissioner, discusses...
May 2, 2022

169: Listening Builds PH Trust

Ioana Ungureanu, ASTHO’s Senior Analyst for Public and Behavioral Health Integration, discusses a new ASTHO report outlining 10 high-level strategies to improve behavioral health for kids in schools; Angela Minicuci, the former Communications...
April 29, 2022

168: All-Star Tech Xpo Lineup Revealed

J.T. Lane, ASTHO’s Senior Vice President of Population Health and Innovation, tells us who is on the agenda to speak during the Public Health Tech Xpo event set for May 10th and 11th online; Laura Pegram, Director of Drug User Health at the National...
April 28, 2022

167: Tech Xpo Preview

J.T. Lane, ASTHO’s Senior Vice President of Population Health and Innovation, explains how public health has a unique opportunity to modernize its data systems to prepare for the next crisis in a preview of the upcoming Public Health Tech Xpo; Ioana...
April 26, 2022

165: New Healthy Aging Program

The Trust for America’s Health unveils a new program to give agencies credit for their work promoting healthy aging; ASTHO delivers a report and hosts a webinar later this week detailing strategies to improve youth behavioral outcomes; two public...
April 12, 2022

155: Defining Health – Public Health Week

Nathaniel Counts with the non-profit Mental HeaIth America explains the effort to redefine health to include a consideration of mental wellness, as we conclude our seven-part series of conversations with public health leaders in recognition of...