Dr. Jonathan Mermin, Director of the CDC National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, shares how public health can better address the STI epidemic; ASTHO Alum Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Immediate Past Director of the Illinois Department of...
Dr. Edward Ehlinger, former chair of the HHS Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality, says public health needs to look beyond numbers to best serve American Indian and Alaska Native mothers and their babies; Dr. Kimberlee Wyche-Etheridge,...
Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, Deputy Coordinator of the Mpox National Response for the White House, shares steps public health leaders can take to protect against a potential rise in Mpox cases; Christina Severin, Director of Public Health Law at ASTHO,...
Melissa Bird, Bureau Chief for the Iowa Bureau of Health Statistics, explains why vital records accreditation is important to public health; Rachel Scheckman, ASTHO Senior Policy Analyst, says new data sharing techniques in Iowa improve care for...
Jennifer Moss, author of The Burnout Epidemic, says self-care alone is not a solution to employee fatigue; Moss will speak at ASTHO’s TechXpo and Futures Forum later this month, where online tickets remain available; Maggie Davis, ASTHO’s Director...
Lindsey Myers, ASTHO’s Vice President for Public Health Workforce and Infrastructure, explains the importance of President Biden’s report on the public health workforce; Maria Gabriela Ruiz, an analyst on ASTHO’s Maternal and Infant Health team,...
On the first day of National Infant Immunization Week, Dr. José Romero, Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC, discusses the importance of vaccines and the COVID-19 schedule for children; Karl Ensign,...
Elizabeth Ruebush, ASTHO Senior Director of Public Health Data Modernization and Informatics, previews two reports to help members navigate the immunization information sharing landscape; Dr. Angelica Geter, Executive Vice President of Strategy and...
On Day Two of Public Health Week, Rich Hamburg, Executive Director of the Safe States Alliance, discusses policies that would help reduce gun violence in America; the Public Health Foundation has a new video explaining the CDC’s Advisory Committee...
Gary Lankford, Advances in Indian Health Care Program Director at the Association of American Indian Physicians, explains vaccine messaging that appeals to American Indian and Alaskan Native populations; Dr. Laura Chanchien Parajon, Deputy Cabinet...
Heather Tomlinson, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Immunizations, reminds us in an ASTHO blog article that there are strategies to reduce the impact of non-medical immunization exemptions; the CDC has added COVID-19 vaccinations to its immunization schedule...
Dr. Daniel Edney, State Health Officer for the Mississippi State Department of Health, has studied the data in Mississippi’s latest Maternal Mortality Report and says the rates are unacceptable; Heather Tomlinson, ASTHO Senior Analyst for...
Dr. Christopher Rizzo, Senior U.S. Medical Director for Sanofi, is working on a passive immunization for RSV that could help protect young infants from the virus; Lana McKinney, ASTHO Senior Policy Analyst for State Health Policy, encourages ASTHO...
Claire Hannan, Executive Director of the Association of Immunization Managers, is worried some who previously supported bills to prevent mandatory COVID vaccinations now might try to also weaken school vaccination requirements; Abe Kulungara, ASTHO...
Dr. Jim McDonald, New York State Acting Health Commissioner, says partnerships with people in local communities are key to the state's response to the opioid crisis; Siman Qaasim, Health Equity Administrator for the Arizona Department of Health...