Health Equity Episodes

Jan. 26, 2023

344: Maine Loves Dr. Shah, Territories Moving Forward

Dr. Nirav Shah, ASTHO Immediate Past President and Director of the Maine Center for Disease Control, reflects on his work in the state of Maine as he readies for his next job as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's number two in charge;...
Jan. 24, 2023

342: Racial Healing, Tech Helps Messaging

Caroline Brunton, Program Officer for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, talks about the National Day of Racial Healing first celebrated by the Foundation seven years ago; Dr. Brannon Traxler, Director of Public Health with the South Carolina Department of...
Jan. 20, 2023

340: Climate + Health Equity, ARPA Benefits

Dr. Umair Shah, Secretary of Health for the Washington State Department of Health, is establishing connections between climate change, environmental justice, and health equity; Dr. David Gifford, Chief Medical Officer at the American Health Care...
Jan. 17, 2023

337: Dr. Nirav Shah’s Big News, National Day of Racial Healing

Dr. Nirav Shah, ASTHO Immediate Past President, will leave his job as director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention to take the number two position at the CDC; Joya Coffman, ASTHO Senior Advisor for Performance Improvement and Change...
Jan. 13, 2023

336: MLK in Public Health, Lactation Help for Incarcerated People

Dr. Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge, ASTHO's Senior Vice President of Health Equity and Diversity Initiatives, reflects on the importance of Dr. King’s message to people working in public health; Shatoria Townsend, ASTHO Senior Analyst for the Maternal...
Jan. 12, 2023

335: Conflict Training, Diverse Executives Search

Montrece McNeill Ransom, Director of the National Coordinating Center for Public Health Training at the National Network of Public Health Institutes, previews her upcoming ASTHO webinar to help diverse professionals navigate personal conflict in the...
Jan. 10, 2023

333: COVID-19 Booster Strategy, Medicaid Policies

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, says public health agencies are increasing the focus on COVID-19 boosters for those living in nursing homes and other care settings; Alex Kearly, ASTHO's Director of Medicaid and Value Based Payment,...
Jan. 6, 2023

331: Vaccine Hesitancy Study, Diabetes in Palau

Dr. Kimberly Martin, a President’s Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California San Francisco, says black people likely avoid COVID-19 vaccines because of their distrust of the healthcare system; Antonnette Merur, Chief of Nursing for the...
Dec. 21, 2022

328: Opioids, Equity, and the Medicaid Cliff

Dr. Mark Levine, Vermont Department of Health's Commissioner of Health, discusses the opioid crisis in America and the policies his state has employed to save lives; Alicia Justice, ASTHO Senior Director of Programmatic Health Equity Initiatives and...
Dec. 19, 2022

326: 2023 Federal Policy Agenda

Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Relations, is getting set to work on key public health policy issues with a new Congress taking office in a few weeks; Rachel Scheckman, ASTHO Senior Policy Analyst, says if...
Oct. 25, 2022

290: Healthy Aging Policy Trends

Claire Pendergrast, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Health Improvement and Healthy Aging, discusses a survey of healthy aging policy actions enacted across the states and territories; Dr. LeQuandra Nesbitt, former Director of the District of Columbia...
Oct. 24, 2022

289: Monkeypox Communication Strategies

Dr. Carlton Thomas, a gastroenterologist in San Diego, discusses a recent CDC report on monkeypox which he says is an argument in favor of communicating on mobile apps and other platforms that are familiar to people in at-risk communities; Kyle...
Oct. 20, 2022

287: New Disability Preparedness Toolkit

Dawn Skaggs, Emergency, Disaster, and Climate Resilience Specialist for the World Institute on Disability, promotes a new Public Health Emergency Planning Toolkit to help agencies better serve people living with disabilities during emergencies; Lillie...
Oct. 19, 2022

286: Creative Vaccine Strategies

Margaret Jaco Manecke, the Director of Practice Improvement at the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, is looking for public health professionals to join the Council’s next annual learning community; an ASTHO work group recommends improvements to...
Oct. 17, 2022

284: Public Health Careers Website Launches

Joanne Pearsol, ASTHO’s Director of Workforce Development discusses the debut of ASTHO’s new public health jobs website, ; an ASTHO blog article assesses Tennessee’s progress on Opioid Use Disorder throughout its maternal and child health...