Mandy K. Cohen MD MPH

Mandy K. Cohen MD MPH Profile Photo

Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Former Secretary, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Oct. 24, 2023

530: Equity Policy Statement, New Maine Official Ponders Pandemic Lessons

Dr. Joan Duwve, State Health Officer for the Kansas Department of Health, talks about the need to put equity at the center of all public health work; Dr. Puthiery Va, Director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, explains that...
Oct. 18, 2023

526: Youth Substance Use Interventions, PH Jobs Website Attracts Candidates

Dr. Sarah Stoddard, a member of the Community Preventive Services Task Force with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, says the organization reviewed 60 studies to determine what can help prevent substance use among young people; Dr....
Oct. 17, 2023

525: CDC Director Shares Priorities

CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen joins the newscast to discuss changing mindsets around health data infrastructure and the new RSV vaccine; and sign up for ASTHO’s Public Health Weekly email newsletter
Oct. 16, 2023

524: CDC Director Urges Data Sharing, Wisconsin Prioritizes Youth Mental Health

CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen encourages public health agencies to share their data with each other; Linda Hall, Director of the Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health, says her state is working to align its government agencies on a strategy to...