Dr. Lindsay Weaver, state health commissioner of Indiana, discusses the state’s record investment in public health; an ASTHO blog article details behavioral health-related workforce initiatives happening across the states and territories; and ASTHO...
Angie Smith-Butterwick, Substance Use, Gambling and Epidemiology manager for the State of Michigan, tells us about a pilot program that offers small incentives to people if they stay on approved substance use treatment plans; Ashley...
Nicole Casanova, Youth Engagement and Evaluation Specialist with the Washington State Department of Health, says her agency has created an online Teen Health Hub to answer teens’ questions; Dr. Lindsay Weaver, ASTHO Member and State Health...
Catherine Jones, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Government Affairs, says there are discussions underway to ensure the AI is managed properly; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO Senior Director for Government Affairs, tells us Congress remains busy as January nears an...
Brianna Gorman, ASTHO analyst for Performance Excellence, explains ways to connect public health and health care in communities; Dr. Lindsay Weaver, ASTHO member and state health commissioner for the Indiana Department of Health, tells us how Indiana...
Dr. Lindsay Weaver, state health commissioner for the Indiana Department of Health, discusses the state’s campaign to increase investment in public health; Dr. Ralph Alvarado, commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Public Health, explains how...