Kay Matthews

Kay Matthews Profile Photo

Executive Director, Shades of Blue Project

May 10, 2024

662: Doula Care Gains Support, Helping Mothers Heal

Alex Kearly, ASTHO director of Medicaid and Public Health Partnerships, says doula care is one of the most promising strategies to address maternal health disparities; Kay Matthews, executive director and founder of the Shades of Blue Project, tells...
April 12, 2022

155: Defining Health – Public Health Week

Nathaniel Counts with the non-profit Mental HeaIth America explains the effort to redefine health to include a consideration of mental wellness, as we conclude our seven-part series of conversations with public health leaders in recognition of...
April 7, 2022

152: Health as a Human Right – Public Health Week

Dr. Denise Johnson, Pennsylvania’s Physician General, tells us why health is a human right, as we continue our examination of the themes for this year’s National Public Health Week; Kay Matthews, founder and executive director of the non-profit...