Dr. John Anderton, associate director for communication science at the CDC's Office of Readiness and Response, tells us how the CDC has changed their approach to National Preparedness Month; Brian Lentes, senior director for Public Health...
Dr. Steven Stack, ASTHO president and commissioner of the Kentucky Department for Public Health; extends his gratitude for Public Health Thank You Day; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, discusses how ASTHO worked on a discussion guide...
Brian Lentes, senior director of Public Health Infrastructure, ASTHO, discusses the supports offered by the ASTHO STAR Center; Stephen Covey, a well-known author, says leaders first need to build trust within the public health agency before expanding...
Dara Lieberman, Director of Government Relations for the Trust for America’s Health, explains the organization’s “Ready or Not 2022” report assessing states’ readiness to protect public health during emergencies; Brian Lentes, ASTHO’s...
Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, reflects on International Women’s Day celebrated this week; Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Rachel Levine is part of a panel discussion later today to mark Women’s...