Robert Jennings, executive director of the National Public Health Information Coalition, is currently working on guidelines for AI use in public health communications; Dr. Scott Harris, ASTHO president and the state health officer for the Alabama...
Dr. Debra Bogen, secretary of health for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and an ASTHO Member, discusses ASTHO’s Maternal and Childhood Health Legislative Prospectus; Dr. Tina Tan, president of the Infectious Disease Society of America, tells us how...
Dr. Robert Goldstein, commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and an ASTHO Member, discusses the containment and prevention of the spread of infectious disease as part of ASTHO’s Legislative Prospectus Series; Allyson...
Ben Gamache, policy consultant for the Office of Health Workforce Development at the Department of Health Care Access and Information, explains why California has created a new position; Dr. Lisa Villarroel, chief medical officer for Public Health at...
Gaafar Uherbelau, Minister of Health for the Palau Ministry of Health and Human Services, tells us his priorities in Washington D.C. for ASTHO’s Spring Meeting; this week, the third cohort of public health professionals in the Diverse Executives...
Dr. Lauren Tanz, an epidemiologist with the CDC, talks about the rising numbers of teen overdose deaths in the United States; Dr. Dylan George, director of the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics at the CDC, discusses the CDC’s creation of...