Public Health Authority Episodes

July 29, 2024

716: Public Health Authority Recommendations, Workforce Open Houses

Andy Baker-White, ASTHO senior director for State Health Policy, discusses the ongoing discussion over legal tools needed to ensure public health during outbreaks and emergencies; Maggie Davis, ASTHO director of State Health Policy, says funding and...
March 6, 2024

615: Grad Considers DELPH Colleagues Family, New ASTHO CEO is “Nice, Kind, Caring”

Keon Lewis, equity and development coordinator for the Cabarrus Health Alliance, talks about his experience as a recent graduate of ASTHO’s DELPH program; Dr. Joseph Kanter is ASTHO’s new CEO and begins his role in April; Dr. Steven Stack, ASTHO...
May 12, 2023

419: ASTHO’s NC Amicus Brief, PAHPA Hill Hearing

Maggie Davis, ASTHO’s Director of State Health Policy, explains an amicus brief ASTHO filed in a North Carolina court case; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO’s Senior Director of Government Affairs, reports on progress with the reauthorization of the Pandemic...
March 1, 2023

367: Leading on Long COVID, PH Authority Legislative Tracker

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, outlines the role of public health in addressing the challenges of long COVID; Katie Moran McCabe, Lead Law and Policy Analyst with the Center for Public Health Law Research at Temple University, says...
Aug. 16, 2022

242: New Data on Public Health Authority

Maggie Davis, ASTHO’s Director of State Health Policy, discusses a project to survey recent changes in laws governing public health authority; Dr. Harry Chen, the former Commissioner of Health for Vermont, tells us about some of the lessons learned...
May 4, 2022

171: Protecting Public Health Authority

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, defends public health authority after a recent federal court ruling tossed the requirement for masks on public transportation; Dr. Harry Chen, Vermont’s former health commissioner, discusses...
Feb. 16, 2022

120: Supporting Public Health Authority

Margret Cooke, Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health, examines the value of public health authority when responding to a public health emergency; Alison Beam, Pennsylvania’s former acting Secretary of Health, says the response forced by...