Patricia Tilley, associate commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services and an ASTHO member, discusses New Hampshire’s Mission Zero; Dr. Stephen Lee, the executive director of the National Allian…
Maggie Davis, ASTHO’s director of State Health Policy, examines recent state-level funding changes for public health; Dr. Pamela Mink, director of Health Services Research at the Minnesota Department of Health, tells us abou…
Dr. Roxanne Connelly, entomology and ecology team lead in the Arboviral Diseases Branch of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases at the CDC, tells us about the CDC’s response plan for Oropouche Virus; Latoya Sahadeo, ASTHO’s…
Dr. Michelle Mello, professor of law at Stanford Law School and professor of health policy at Stanford University School of Medicine, studied state lawmakers’ response to the use of public health authority during the pandemi…
Dr. Carolyn Wester, director of the division of viral hepatitis at the CDC, says the CDC has a plan to increase access to the diagnosis and treatment resources for hepatitis C; Tim Henderson, senior writer/demographics analy…
Dr. Cheryl Bettigole, Philadelphia Health Commissioner, discusses a measles outbreak that was detected in the city in early December; Grace DeLeon, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Overdose Preparedness and Response, tells us about …
Tequila Terry, director of State Innovation and Population Health at the CMS Innovation Center, discusses a new approach to health care costs and population health; Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO senior vice president for Government …
Dr. Mark Levine, commissioner, Vermont Department of Health, says ASTHO’s new policy statement on suicide prevention offers many recommendations including a call to improve access to health care services for those at highest…
Dr. Lauren Tanz, an epidemiologist with the CDC, talks about the rising numbers of teen overdose deaths in the United States; Dr. Dylan George, director of the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics at the CDC, discus…
Chris Taylor, ASTHO’s Director of Infectious Disease Outbreak Response and Recovery, says it's important that health departments remain vigilant against Mpox; Alyssa Gonzales, Communication Specialist at Salud America, share…
Dr. Kris Mork, Director of Public Health Informatics at Guidehouse, says the development of AI needs to be inclusive; Heidi Bojes, Director of the Environmental Epidemiology and Disease Registry at the Texas Department of St…
Kerry Wyss, ASTHO’s Director of Environmental Health, explains how ASTHO held focus groups to address school air quality concerns; Dawn Terashita, Associate Director ofthe Acute Communicable Disease Control Program at the Lo…