Kristin Peterson, chief of policy at the Washington State Department of Health, tells us why the data-sharing agreement with the Tulalip Tribe is historic; Dr. Kim Baker, assistant professor and assistant dean of practice at UT Health Houston School...
Melissa Magstadt, secretary of health in the South Dakota Department of Health, tells us how the state is using a recently awarded maternal health innovation grant; Maggie Davis, ASTHO director of State Health Policy, previews legislative trends for...
Caroline Wroczynski, education manager for the National Organization of State Health Offices of Rural Health, tells us about the impact of National Rural Health Day; Dr. Robyn Cree, epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Laura Ungar, science and medical writer on the Global Health and Science Team for the Associated Press, discusses the two articles she wrote about the maternal mortality crisis; Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO past president and Alaska’s former chief medical...
Dr. Sameer Vohra, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health and an ASTHO Member, details Illinois’ latest report on infant mortality; Allison Corr, manager for the Suicide Risk Reduction Project at The Pew Charitable Trusts, explains trends...
Alex Kearly, ASTHO director of Medicaid and Public Health Partnerships, says doula care is one of the most promising strategies to address maternal health disparities; Kay Matthews, executive director and founder of the Shades of Blue Project, tells...
Chemyeeka Tumblin, a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in perinatal and maternal mental health, outlines the importance of Black Maternal Health Week; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO's senior director for government affairs, discusses ASTHO’s...
Dr. Debra Bogen, acting secretary of health for the Pennsylvania Department of Health and ASTHO member, discusses Pennsylvania’s work to expand overdose training to many different populations; Beth Giambrone, ASTHO senior analyst for State Health...
Dr. Brooke Cunningham, ASTHO Member and Health Commissioner for the Minnesota Department of Health, reflects on the importance of using policy to achieve racial equity; Dr. Priti Patel, CDC...
Dr. Scott Harris, ASTHO Member and State Health Officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, says new numbers in Alabama show infant deaths are dropping but the news isn’t all good; an ASTHO blog article outlines practical strategies for...
Josh Berry, ASTHO Director of Chronic Disease Risk Factors, says ASTHO is calling on the White House to implement a rule that would prohibit the sale of menthol-flavored tobacco products; Chrissie Juliano, Executive Director of the Big Cities Health...
Andy Baker-White, ASTHO Senior Director for State Health Policy, previews the state of the legislative calendar this year; Omar Khalid, ASTHO Director of Workforce Development, says leaders can support their teams by adopting a trauma-responsive...
Brianna Gorman, ASTHO analyst for Performance Excellence, explains ways to connect public health and health care in communities; Dr. Lindsay Weaver, ASTHO member and state health commissioner for the Indiana Department of Health, tells us how Indiana...
Dr. Karen Remley, ASTHO alum and director for the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the CDC, says early detection of birth defects is a focus in January; Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO immediate past president and chief medical...
Lillian Colasurdo, ASTHO director of Public Health Law and Data Sharing, discusses work to protect consumer data gathered from a growing number of health-related transactions; Mike Fraser, ASTHO CEO, reacts to the legislative prospectus series that he...