Dr. Tekisha Everette, executive vice president at Trust for America’s Health, outlines the six priorities of the new Trust For America’s Health blueprint report; Andrea Schon, national account manager for VMSG Dashboard, previews ASTHO’s...
Kerry Wyss, ASTHO’s Director of Environmental Health, explains how ASTHO held focus groups to address school air quality concerns; Dawn Terashita, Associate Director ofthe Acute Communicable Disease Control Program at the Los Angeles County...
Omar Khalid, ASTHO’s Director of Workforce Development, explains the expansion of ASTHO’s Public Health – Hope, Equity, Resilience, and Opportunity (PH-HERO) initiative; Erin Laird, ASTHO’s Director of Emerging Infections, says preventing...
Elizabeth Mothershed, Deputy Associate Director of State Strategy for the CDC, says it’s important for leaders to work together on Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (HAI/AR) programs; a new ASTHO report outlines how...
Jeanne Ayers, Executive Director of Healthy Democracy Healthy People and an ASTHO alum, discusses the impact of voting on public health; Grace Lee, Senior Analyst for Infectious Disease Infrastructure and Policy, authored a blog article about the...
Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the plan to stretch monkeypox vaccine supplies by giving smaller doses; Arjun Srinivasan, Associate Director for Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Programs with the CDC,...
Winfred Rawls, ASTHO’s Director for Preparedness and Evaluation, explains a project that will lead to the development of a clearinghouse with information to help public health agencies get ready for the next crisis; Andrea Flinchum, State HAI...
Dr. Ed Ehlinger, Minnesota’s former health commissioner, reacts to the Harvard poll that says most people trust their public health department; Dr. Scott Harris, Alabama’s state health officer, explains a new ASTHO report that outlines eight ways...
Nathaniel Counts with the non-profit Mental HeaIth America explains the effort to redefine health to include a consideration of mental wellness, as we conclude our seven-part series of conversations with public health leaders in recognition of...