Healthcare-Associated Infections Episodes

Oct. 25, 2024

778: TFAH Blueprint Report Outlines Six Priorities, Upgrade Your Department’s PMS

Dr. Tekisha Everette, executive vice president at Trust for America’s Health, outlines the six priorities of the new Trust For America’s Health blueprint report; Andrea Schon, national account manager for VMSG Dashboard, previews ASTHO’s...
Aug. 17, 2023

484: Back-to-School Air Quality, HAI Outbreak Framework

Kerry Wyss, ASTHO’s Director of Environmental Health, explains how ASTHO held focus groups to address school air quality concerns; Dawn Terashita, Associate Director ofthe Acute Communicable Disease Control Program at the Los Angeles County...
Aug. 8, 2023

477: PH-HERO Set to Grow, Dialysis Patient Voices

Omar Khalid, ASTHO’s Director of Workforce Development, explains the expansion of ASTHO’s Public Health – Hope, Equity, Resilience, and Opportunity (PH-HERO) initiative; Erin Laird, ASTHO’s Director of Emerging Infections, says preventing...
April 18, 2023

401: New HAI/AR Resources, STI Hurdles and Opportunities

Elizabeth Mothershed, Deputy Associate Director of State Strategy for the CDC, says it’s important for leaders to work together on Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (HAI/AR) programs; a new ASTHO report outlines how...
Oct. 31, 2022

294: Public Health on the Ballot

Jeanne Ayers, Executive Director of Healthy Democracy Healthy People and an ASTHO alum, discusses the impact of voting on public health; Grace Lee, Senior Analyst for Infectious Disease Infrastructure and Policy, authored a blog article about the...
Aug. 15, 2022

241: Monkeypox Vaccine Strategy

Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the plan to stretch monkeypox vaccine supplies by giving smaller doses;  Arjun Srinivasan, Associate Director for Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Programs with the CDC,...
Aug. 11, 2022

239: Infectious Disease Planning

Winfred Rawls, ASTHO’s Director for Preparedness and Evaluation, explains a project that will lead to the development of a clearinghouse with information to help public health agencies get ready for the next crisis; Andrea Flinchum, State HAI...
May 5, 2022

172: How to Rebuild Public Trust

Dr. Ed Ehlinger, Minnesota’s former health commissioner, reacts to the Harvard poll that says most people trust their public health department; Dr. Scott Harris, Alabama’s state health officer, explains a new ASTHO report that outlines eight ways...
April 12, 2022

155: Defining Health – Public Health Week

Nathaniel Counts with the non-profit Mental HeaIth America explains the effort to redefine health to include a consideration of mental wellness, as we conclude our seven-part series of conversations with public health leaders in recognition of...