Kyle Mangloña, onboarding experience manager at the Washington State Department of Health, tells us about the department’s revamped onboarding program; Lindsey Myers, ASTHO vice president for Public Health Workforce and Infrastructure, gives us an...
Rich Hamburg, executive director of the Safe States Alliance, reflects on his career in public health as he prepares to retire; Marita Chilton, senior director of Accreditation and Recognition at the Public Health Accreditation Board, tells us about...
Kristin Sullivan, ASTHO director of Public Health Systems Improvement and Infrastructure, details how the ASTHO Peer Assessment Program can benefit an organization; Dr. Monica Schoch-Spana, research professor in the Department of Environmental Health...
Massimo Pacilli, director of the technology implementation office at the office of public health data surveillance and technology with the CDC, discusses the newly announced implementation center project; Lindsey Myers, ASTHO vice president for public...