Natasha Harper-Levy, director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ASTHO, tells us the importance of racial healing as we get ready to celebrate the National Day of Racial Healing; an ASTHO blog article dives into how you can integrate race and...
Dr. Gabriel Seidman, Director of Policy at the Ellison Institute of Technology, details the need for a stronger nationwide health data ecosystem; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO Senior Director for Government Affairs, tells us how some topics on the Hill that...
Dr. David Newman-Toker, director, Division of Neuro-Visual & Vestibular Disorders, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, discusses his time with House members talking about the bias and privacy issues involved with artificial intelligence; Dana Moore, deputy director…
Dr. Anna-Michelle McSorley, Postdoctoral Scholar at the NYU School of Global Public Health, reports territories are not represented in federal health data systems; ASTHO is looking for a contractor to build a toolkit for health equity performance...
Dr. Puja Seth, the Healthy Aging Branch Chief at the CDC, shares a new state-focused program that aims to address dementia; Dr. Nilesh Kalyanaraman, the Deputy Secretary of Public Health at the Maryland Department of Health, explains that policy...