Addressing Health Disparities Episodes

Jan. 17, 2025

825: National Day of Racial Healing, New Administration Early Priorities

Natasha Harper-Levy, director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ASTHO, tells us the importance of racial healing as we get ready to celebrate the National Day of Racial Healing; an ASTHO blog article dives into how you can integrate race and...
Dec. 12, 2024

809: Strengthening PH Workforce, APHA Annual Meeting

Lindsey Myers, ASTHO vice president for Public Health Workforce and Infrastructure, discusses the need to bolster the public health workforce to better serve everyone; Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association,...
Nov. 20, 2024

795: Psychology Diversity, Rulemaking Improvements

Dr. Charmain Jackman, licensed psychologist and founder and CEO of InnoPsych, tells us how InnoPsych plans to diversify the psychology workforce; Tami Thompson, Regulatory Affairs manager at the Washington State Department of Health, discusses how...
June 20, 2024

689: Territorial Medicaid Funding, Closing PH Knowledge Gaps

Dr. Joseph Kanter, ASTHO CEO, discusses a letter to Congress that asks lawmakers to lift the Medicaid funding cap on all U.S. territories; Gordon Thane, CEO and principal consultant for Public Health Insight says gaps in public health knowledge can...