Healthy People 2030 Episodes

Feb. 21, 2025

848: Historically Large TB Outbreak, Telehealth Call to Action

Jason Cummins, president of the National Tuberculosis Coalition of America, gives an update on a TB outbreak in Kansas; Dr. Charles Chima, Washington Department of Health chief healthcare innovation and strategy officer, tells us about the “clarion...
April 25, 2024

651: Building Non-Traditional Partnerships, Health Equity Alliance

Corinne Gillenwater, ASTHO chronic disease and health improvement analyst, talks about an ASTHO toolkit that uses the Healthy People 2030 framework to help build partnerships; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, says today’s Avian Flu...
Feb. 9, 2024

598: CDC’s Hepatitis C Strategy, Wastewater Testing Debate

Dr. Carolyn Wester, director of the division of viral hepatitis at the CDC, says the CDC has a plan to increase access to the diagnosis and treatment resources for hepatitis C; Tim Henderson, senior writer/demographics analyst for Stateline, explains how wastewater testing...
May 10, 2023

417: Public Health Emergency Ending, Food Safety Training

Chrissie Juliano, Executive Director of the Big Cities Health Coalition, hosts a news conference to discuss what happens when the pandemic-related public health emergency ends on Thursday; John Tagabuel, Director of Environmental Health and Disease...
April 7, 2023

394: Rural Health Solutions, Healthy People 2030 Training

On Day Five of National Public Health Week, Elke Shaw-Tulloch, Idaho Public Health Administrator for the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, explains the challenges facing rural health care; a new ASTHO micro-learning teaches the connection between...
Nov. 15, 2021

67: Polling the Pandemic

The Rockefeller Foundation releases its 5th survey of Americans’ attitudes about the pandemic response; Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, says every public health agency should update its Healthy People...