Jason Cummins, president of the National Tuberculosis Coalition of America, gives an update on a TB outbreak in Kansas; Dr. Charles Chima, Washington Department of Health chief healthcare innovation and strategy officer, tells us about the “clarion...
Corinne Gillenwater, ASTHO chronic disease and health improvement analyst, talks about an ASTHO toolkit that uses the Healthy People 2030 framework to help build partnerships; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO chief medical officer, says today’s Avian Flu...
Dr. Carolyn Wester, director of the division of viral hepatitis at the CDC, says the CDC has a plan to increase access to the diagnosis and treatment resources for hepatitis C; Tim Henderson, senior writer/demographics analyst for Stateline, explains how wastewater testing...
Chrissie Juliano, Executive Director of the Big Cities Health Coalition, hosts a news conference to discuss what happens when the pandemic-related public health emergency ends on Thursday; John Tagabuel, Director of Environmental Health and Disease...
On Day Five of National Public Health Week, Elke Shaw-Tulloch, Idaho Public Health Administrator for the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, explains the challenges facing rural health care; a new ASTHO micro-learning teaches the connection between...
The Rockefeller Foundation releases its 5th survey of Americans’ attitudes about the pandemic response; Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, says every public health agency should update its Healthy People...