Dr. Roxanne Connelly, entomology and ecology team lead in the Arboviral Diseases Branch of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases at the CDC, tells us about the CDC’s response plan for Oropouche Virus; Latoya Sahadeo, ASTHO’s Leadership Development...
Suzanne Bornschein, Rhode Island State Epidemiologist, outlines Rhode Island’s approach to combating Eastern Equine Encephalitis; Francesca Provenzano, Public Health Section Chief with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, tells us...
Mieka Sanderson, deputy director for Public Health AmeriCorps, discusses the latest Notice of Funding Opportunity; Amy Wodarek O’Reilly, principal managing consultant at Mathematica Policy Research, tells us Mathematica’s role as an Implementation...
Dr. Kelly S. Ramsey, an addiction medicine and harm reduction consultant, discusses a Q&A she wrote for Johns Hopkins about the expansion of methadone treatment access; Matta Sannoh, ASTHO chronic disease risk factors senior analyst, tells us...
Dr. Zack Moore, state epidemiologist with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, explains how his state effectively uses wastewater testing; Truc Taylor, director of public health informatics at Guidehouse, discusses Guidehouse...
Dr. John Anderton, associate director for communication science at the CDC's Office of Readiness and Response, tells us how the CDC has changed their approach to National Preparedness Month; Brian Lentes, senior director for Public Health...
Dr. Lynn Bufka, deputy chief of professional practice at the American Psychological Association, discusses the Surgeon General’s recent general advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents; A.C. Rothenbuecher, ASTHO director of workforce,...
Alison Cammack, PhD, MPH, lead author and health scientist on the CDC suicide prevention team, provides an overview of the CDC’s new Vital Signs report, with new data on suicide rates and variables; Stacy Scott, PhD, National Institute for...
Dr. Diane Hall, director of the CDC Office of Rural Health, dives into the CDC’s new Rural Public Health Strategic Plan; Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO senior vice president of Government Affairs and Public Relations, tells us how Congress avoided a...
Dr. Sheena Patel, executive director for public health modernization at CRISP Shared Services, discusses the role CRISP Shared Services will play in the Implementation Center program; Lisa Peterson, ASTHO senior director for preparedness, discusses...
Brianne Zaborowske, lead crisis coordinator in the Division of Care and Treatment Services at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, discusses new crisis stabilization facilities across Wisconsin; Elizabeth Conklin, health program supervisor...
Dr. Lisa Richardson, division director of Cancer Prevention and Control at the CDC, breaks down a recent ASTHO report on cancer messaging; Andy Baker-White, ASTHO senior director for State Health Policy, tells us about two ASTHO webinars focused on...
Karl Ensign, ASTHO vice president of island support, talks about the work to address COVID-19 health disparities in the U.S. territories and freely associated states; Christina Severin, ASTHO director of public health law, summarizes several recent...
Captain Heather Dimeris, director for the Office of the Advancement of Telehealth at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, discusses investments in telehealth as we celebrate Telehealth Awareness Week; Jeffrey Ekoma, ASTHO senior director...
Tanya Carter, suicide prevention supervisor for the Minnesota Department of Health, discusses the state’s preventable death data which showed some improvements; Chikamso Chukwu, ASTHO analyst with the Population Health Team, tells us about a Primary...