Dr. Susan Kansagra, former ASTHO member and most recently the assistant secretary and state health officer for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, has been named ASTHO’s new chief medical officer; Jennifer Schmidt, PHIG fund manager...
Dr. Susan Kansagra, former ASTHO member and most recently the assistant secretary and state health officer for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, has been named ASTHO’s new chief medical officer; Jennifer Schmidt, PHIG fund manager for the Public Health Division of North Dakota Health and Human Services, tells us how her office is transitioning from a “career ladder” to a “career honeycomb”; and the deadline to apply for ASTHO’s Leadership Institute has been extended.
ASTHO Blog Article: How Staffing and Workload Can Impact Public Health Agencies
ASTHO Web Page: ASTHO Leadership Institute
This is the award-winning Public Health Review Morning Edition for Wednesday, March 5, 2025. I'm Janson Silvers. Now, today's news from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
I am looking forward to continuing to lift up stories of public health success, I think whether people know it or not, and often they don't, that public health is a part of our daily lives.
Dr. Susan Kansagra has been named ASTHO's newest chief medical officer and will step into the role on March 17. Kansagra has worked in Massachusetts, New York, and most recently served as assistant secretary and state health officer for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
Part of the reason that I was so interested in public health was that I worked in a clinic where I got to see the first-hand impact of the opioid crisis on the community, and seeing that made me appreciate that there is a lot of work to be done beyond the four walls of the clinic
Kansagra has perspective as an ASTHO member and is looking forward to the role on the ASTHO side that helps members get what they need.
You know, sometimes a job in public health can also be lonely, especially when you're in positions where you're- you're the only one in your state. So, you know, having that network that ASTHO has created and that incredible expertise is really, really helpful, and I am so humbled and appreciative to now be on the other side and be a part of the ASTHO team to help provide that support to others.
She plans to approach the job with gusto.
While I've been fortunate to have worked in public health, both at the state and local level, I want to listen and learn those first 90 days, I think, it's a really important time to both learn from the ASTHO team, of course, talk to our state and territorial health officials across the country and our partners.
Learn more about Kansagra by reading ASTHO's press release. The link is in the show notes.
North Dakota Health and Human Services is taking a unique approach to career development. Jennifer Schmidt says her team is moving away from a "career ladder" and working toward expanding a person's professional development outward like a "honeycomb."
So, we thought of a lattice, a career lattice. Well, fun note, North Dakota is the number one producer of honey in the nation, and so we thought we'd play on that little token and coin our professional development plan, the "career honeycomb."
The department's approach to career development will change.
It supports multi-directional growth. Instead of that conventional 'ladder' type of growth. It uses an array of mechanisms to support growth, such as comprehensive goal setting that includes both immediate professional development, you know, like one to three year kind of goals, and then also those long-term career goals three plus years down the road.
Here's Schmidt one more time on the reason behind the new approach.
We also heard from our staff that the quintessential vertical movement within public health division, it's limited. So where can they go? What can they do? How can they broaden their horizons without that quote, unquote "promotion?"
Also, a reminder that the deadline to apply for ASTHO's Leadership Institute has been extended. Applications now close next Monday, March 10. But don't wait. Apply today to be part of a premier professional development cohort-based program. That link is in the show notes.
Finally, this morning, stay up to date on all things public health with the ASTHO Public Health Weekly newsletter. The top stories in public health will be delivered to your inbox each week. You can sign up today using the link in the show notes.
That'll do it for today. We're back tomorrow morning with more ASTHO news and information. I'm Janson Silvers. You're listening to the award-winning Public Health Review Morning Edition. Have a great day.