848: Historically Large TB Outbreak, Telehealth Call to Action

Jason Cummins, President of the National Tuberculosis Coalition of America, gives an update on a TB outbreak in Kansas; Dr. Charles Chima, Washington Department of Health Chief Healthcare Innovation and Strategy Officer, tells us about the “clarion...

Jason Cummins, President of the National Tuberculosis Coalition of America, gives an update on a TB outbreak in Kansas; Dr. Charles Chima, Washington Department of Health Chief Healthcare Innovation and Strategy Officer, tells us about the “clarion call” for public health regarding telehealth; on ASTHO PROFILE resource focuses on the transition from Healthy People 2020 to Healthy People 2030; and ASTHO has several resources for “Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain.”

The Topeka Capital-Journal News Article: Kansas tuberculosis outbreak is now America's largest in recorded history

National Tuberculosis Coalition of America

ASTHO Telehealth Project Initiation and Scoping Assessment Web Page

Washington State Department of Health Web Page: Telehealth

ASTHO PROFILE Web Page: Making the Transition to Healthy People 2030

ASTHO Web Page: Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain


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