Dr. Scott Harris, ASTHO Member and State Health Officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, says new numbers in Alabama show infant deaths are dropping but the news isn’t all good; an ASTHO blog article outlines practical strategies for...
Dr. Scott Harris, ASTHO Member and State Health Officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, says new numbers in Alabama show infant deaths are dropping but the news isn’t all good; an ASTHO blog article outlines practical strategies for identifying and treating syphilis in pregnant individuals; Amelia Poulin-Obregon, ASTHO Assistant Director of Emerging Infectious Disease, for the last several months has been a student in a program offered at the Naval Postgraduate School; and ASTHO is looking to fill two positions.
WSFA 12 News Article: Alabama’s infant mortality rate decreased in 2022, ADPH says
ASTHO Blog Article: Promising Approaches to the Congenital Syphilis Health Crisis
ASTHO Webpage: Careers at ASTHO
This is the award-winning Public Health Review Morning Edition for Wednesday, January 31, 2024. I'm Robert Johnson. Now, today's news from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
They are, in-fact, overall the best infant mortality rate that Alabama has ever seen at least going back for 40 or 50 years.
New numbers in Alabama show infant deaths are dropping. But State Health Officer and ASTHO member Dr. Scott Harris says the news isn't good for everyone.
Most of the improvement that we've been talking about today has occurred among white babies in Alabama, not among black babies. The infant mortality rate for black babies in our state remains two to three times higher than for white babies.
Harris is troubled by the disparities, adding his department continues to work toward better outcomes for all children in Alabama.
We're trying to focus our efforts on those counties that have obviously the highest rates, the greatest burdens of disease, that the best chance for us to make a difference using these same public health tools that we've been talking about.
Those tools include safe sleep and breastfeeding initiatives, as well as better care for mothers. Read more about Alabama's latest infant mortality rates by clicking the link in the show notes.
Better lab reporting, more education, and enhanced alert protocols are some of the actions health agencies have taken to address rising cases of congenital syphilis O'Keyla Cooper has more.
The number of cases of congenital syphilis has increased over ten times since 2012, affecting newborns and potentially leading to fatal outcomes. ASTHO's latest blog article, in collaboration with the CDC and STD prevention grantees, outlines practical strategies for identifying and treating syphilis in pregnant individuals with a goal of eliminating this alarming trend. Read the full article by clicking the link in the show notes.
Also today, Amelia Poulin, is ASTHO's assistant director of Emerging Infectious Disease. For the last several months, she's been a student learning more about preparedness and public safety. In a program offered at the Naval Postgraduate School in California.
I've noticed there's a different culture between infectious disease staff who work on like HIV, hepatitis, etc. and preparedness staff who often are in a very regimented structure and have different ways of approaching things.
She says working with Homeland Security officials offered new insight into the value of collaboration.
So when, kind of, those two worlds come together over an infectious disease outbreak, for example, it's really critical that folks are able to talk with one another, understand each other's priorities and perspectives.
Poulin completed the program earlier this month.
Finally, this morning, ASTHO is looking to fill two positions. The organization has openings for a Contracts Manager and a Senior Director of Accounting Operations. We have the listings in the show notes.
Before we go, a reminder also to follow this newscast on your podcast player so you don't miss a single report and connect with ASTHO on social media. We are on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
That'll do it for today. We're back tomorrow morning with more ASTHO news and information. I'm Robert Johnson. You're listening to the award-winning Public Health Review Morning Edition. Have a great day.

ASTHO President and State Health Officer, Alabama Department of Public Health