535: Community Engagement Fosters Equity, Legislative Testimony Tips

Jade Ramsdell, Performance Improvement Director with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, says community engagement leads to more inclusive decision-making; Lorrin Kim, Chief Policy Officer and Legislative Coordinator for the Hawaii...

Jade Ramsdell, Performance Improvement Director with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, says community engagement leads to more inclusive decision-making; Lorrin Kim, Chief Policy Officer and Legislative Coordinator for the Hawaii Department of Health, appears in a new video offering advice to ASTHO members spending time in hearings and meetings; ASTHO is hosting a Contraception Access Learning Community to expand knowledge about pharmacist-prescribed contraception; and an ASTHO blog article teaches how ASTHO members are working to finance maternal mental health.

ASTHO Equity Driven Promotion of Optimal Health Outcomes Policy Statement

ASTHO Blog Article: Advice for Engaging a Legislature – Eight Testimony Tips for Public Health Leaders

ASTHO Webinar: Implementation of Pharmacist Prescribed Contraception: Key Policy Considerations

ASTHO Brief: Health Agency Innovations in Financing Maternal Mental Health


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This is the award-winning Public Health Review Morning Edition for Tuesday, October 31, 2023. I'm Robert Johnson. Now today's news from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.



Community engagement really serves as the route that yields the fruit of our work.



Jade Ramsdell with the Kansas Department of Health and Human Services says community engagement leads to more inclusive decision making.



Community engagement also establishes a vital feedback loop right here at the department, which enables continuous communication and really the adaptation of policies to evolve community needs and preferences.



Ramsdell says equity also benefits when the workforce reflects the community.



Organizations and public health that mirror that diversity of their communities they serve are better positioned to engage with those communities in meaningful ways.



ASTHO has a new statement with recommendations to promote equity in policies and practice. You can read it using the link in the show notes.


ASTHO members spend a lot of time in hearings and meetings at their state capitals. Hawaii's Lorrin Kim appears in a new video offering advice to leaders when they're called to provide legislative testimony.



My preference is to bring out a state health official when it's something very important. Something that's not housekeeping. Something that's not routine, but really big. We're trying to make a really big public policy or public health statement.



Kim also likes to avoid saying anything that would come as a surprise to key committee members.



Make sure that none of your committee members, especially the chair are surprised by anything you're going to say you want testimony. You want committee hearings to be as controlled and environment as possible.



Hearings have many purposes. But Kim says success depends on preparation and honesty.



Of course you come doing your homework. Never talk about anything you don't understand. There's absolutely nothing wrong with saying I'm sorry, Chair. I don't have that information. I will get that for you as soon as I can.



Kim wants leaders in his department to know the rules of the legislative road.



Understand the legislative process at as detailed a level as you have time. At a minimum understand the calendar. And what the deadlines mean. You're working on the timeline of legislature; they're not working on your timeline.



You can watch Kim's video using the link in the show notes.


Also today, pharmacists can help expand access to contraception. O'Keyla Cooper has that story.



Join ASTHO's Contraception Access Learning Community on November 8 at 2 p.m. ET for the first of four webinars on pharmacist prescribed contraception. The webinar will cover policy considerations for the implementation of pharmacist prescribed contraception, including navigating payment for services, data systems, workforce engagement and training, and public dissemination. Register now by clicking the link in the show notes.



Finally, this morning, learn how ASTHO members are working to finance maternal mental health in a new ASTHO blog article. It includes information about policies and programs states have developed to help pregnant and postpartum people. You can read it using the link in the show notes.


Before we go, we'd like to remind you to follow this newscast on your podcast player and ASTHO on social media. We're on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.


That'll do it for today. We're back tomorrow morning with more ASTHO news and information. I'm Robert Johnson. You're listening to the award-winning Public Health Review Morning Edition. Happy Halloween!

Jade Ramsdell MBAProfile Photo

Jade Ramsdell MBA

Performance Improvement Director, Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Lorrin J. KimProfile Photo

Lorrin J. Kim

Chief Policy Officer and Legislative Coordinator, Hawaii Department of Health