Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Dean of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, says there's still a need for sustained investment in public health three years after the pandemic; Beth Giambrone, ASTHO Senior Analyst for State Health Policy, explains...

Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Dean of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, says there's still a need for sustained investment in public health three years after the pandemic; Beth Giambrone, ASTHO Senior Analyst for State Health Policy, explains how economic hardship can cause many problems for children; and find a link to sign up for ASTHO's Public Health Weekly email newsletter.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Webpage: Nancy Messonnier named dean of Gillings School of Global Public Health

ASTHO Blog Article: States Stepping Up to Support Families and Reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences

ASTHO Webpage: Be in the Know


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Beth Giambrone MPP Profile Photo

Beth Giambrone MPP

Senior Analyst, State Health Policy, ASTHO

Nancy Messonnier MD

Dean, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health