329: Synthetic Nicotine, Ending HIV Stigma

Rachael Banks, Public Health Director for the Oregon Health Authority, says policymakers need to address the problem of synthetic nicotine; Dr. Scott Harris, State Health Officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, says stigma often gets in...

Rachael Banks, Public Health Director for the Oregon Health Authority, says policymakers need to address the problem of synthetic nicotine; Dr. Scott Harris, State Health Officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, says stigma often gets in the way of reaching and treating people with HIV; registration for ASTHO’s third annual Public Health TechXpo and Futures Forum opens February 1st; and ASTHO’s Breastfeeding Learning Community enters the final year of a five-year project focused on improving policy and sharing best practices in 16 states. 

ASTHO Webpage: 2023 Legislative Prospectus Series

ASTHO Webpage: Public Health TechXpo and Futures Forum

ASTHO Brief: Breastfeeding Equity Through Community Engagement

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Scott Harris MD MPH FACP FIDSA Profile Photo


ASTHO President and State Health Officer, Alabama Department of Public Health

Rachael Banks MPA

Director, Oregon Health Authority, Division of Public Health