Mike Fraser, ASTHO CEO, discusses the purpose of the organization’s annual legislative series which identifies the top 10 public health issues to watch in the new year; Dr. Dan Edney, State Health Officer for the Mississippi State Department of...
Mike Fraser, ASTHO CEO, discusses the purpose of the organization’s annual legislative series which identifies the top 10 public health issues to watch in the new year; Dr. Dan Edney, State Health Officer for the Mississippi State Department of Health, says workforce capacity is critical to public health success; Brent Ewig, Chief Policy and Government Relations Officer for the Association of Immunization Managers, published a book with Fraser titled: Vaccinating America – The Inside Story Behind the Race to Save Lives and End a Pandemic; and ASTHO is making plans to host its third annual Public Health Tech Expo and Futures Forum in May.
ASTHO Webpage: 2023 Legislative Prospectus Series
American Public Health Association Webpage: Vaccinating America
ASTHO Webpage: Public Health TechXpo and Futures Forum